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Project Description

The residents of the four douars around the Solar Village have built a community space that celebrates the argan tree – a House of Argan – showcasing Moroccan rural know-how :

  • A rural argan tree nursery as well as a permaculture garden that supplies the restaurant.
  • A retail space for products from our region and workshops for discovering Berber and Arab culture.

This project is the result of a collective effort co-constructed with the residents to address their fundamental and universal needs (principles derived from Ethical Leadership ©) and supported by French and local partners in the Essaouira region.


  • Providing access to water and electricity for isolated homes in the village of IdMjadhi using clean and abundant energy in Morocco: solar power.
  • A decent salary and good working conditions for women who pulp and crush argan nuts through the creation of a center of traditional know-how.
  • Ensuring access to quality education for the youngest through the construction of a school and a literacy center for women.
  • Protecting and enhancing the common heritage of the argan tree through the creation of a nursery.
  • Promoting intergenerational entrepreneurship around rural know-how: cooking, local products.

Press articles :

Celebration of the 5th anniversary of the SOLAR VILLAGE

Since its launch in 2017, the Solar Village has developed well. Supported by the Mohamed VI Foundation For the research and preservation of the argan tree in partnership with the cosmetics brand Le Petit Olivier and the Intermarché brand...

A 100% Solar Village

Particularly involved in the development of renewable energies, Morocco has taken a new step with the project designed in Id Mjahdi. This village in the Essaouira region is in fact entirely powered by solar energy.

Id Mjahdi, « an anthill aspiring towards internationalism »

The project, which aims to promote “Argan”, is an initiative of “Le Petit Olivier” and “Intermarché” in partnership with “Essaouira Mogador”.

The Sustainable Development Goals addressed by the project :

Our partners :

« The women and men of this region explore their full potential to realize their dreams and think about their future together. »

Loubna Mouna. Director of " We Speak Citizen "